Urology Cancer Services
Proposer: Councillor Harris
C... Motion that:-
This Council fully supports the retention of Urology Cancer Services in Colchester.
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Proposer: Councillor Scott
D... Motion that this Council notes:
That the EU and USA launched negotiations in July 2013 on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
That negotiations are underway to determine which goods and services TTIP will apply to and if new rules can be agreed to protect investors, harmonise standards, reduce tariffs and open new markets throughout the EU and USA.
That there has been no impact assessment about the potential impact on local authorities.
That there has been no scrutiny of the negotiating texts by local government and no consultation with local government representatives
That MPs are also unable to scrutinise the negotiating documents.
This Council believes that:
TTIP could have a detrimental impact on local services, employment, suppliers and decision-making.
A thorough impact assessment of TTIP on local authorities must be undertaken before the negotiations can be concluded.
The proposed Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism has been used by corporations to overturn democratic decisions by all levels of governments at significant public cost. Local decision-making must be protected from ISDS.
The EU’s food, environmental and labour standards are better than those in the US and TTIP negotiations must raise and not lower these standards across the EU and USA.
Sourcing supplies and employment locally is important to strengthening local economies and meeting local needs. TTIP must not impact on local authorities’ ability to act in the best interests of its communities.
This Council resolves:
To write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, local MPs and all Eastern Region MEPs raising our serious concerns about the impact of TTIP on local authorities and the secrecy of the negotiating process.
To write to the Local Government Association to raise our serious concerns about the impact of TTIP on local authorities and ask them to raise these with government on our behalf.
To call for an impact assessment on the impact of TTIP on local authorities.
To publicise the Council’s concerns about TTIP; join with other local authorities which are opposed to TTIP across Europe and work with local campaigners to raise awareness about the problems of TTIP.
To contact the local authorities of municipalities twinned with Colchester asking them to consider passing a similar motion on TTIP.
(iii) Park and Ride
Proposer: Councillor Goss
F…The Park and Ride scheme run by Essex County Council is an important asset for Colchester and this Council without question wants the scheme to succeed. However, this Council believes that it should be modified to include the following:
Introduction of stops to serve Colchester Hospital;
Family friendly pricing - for example similar to Ipswich;
Potentially longer operating hours to maximise the scheme's usefulness to local people and commuters.
This Council therefore calls on Essex County Council Portfolio Holder Rodney Bass to implement these changes expediently to increase the success of the scheme.
As the motion relates to a non-executive matter, it will be determined and debated at the meeting.
(iv) Budget Statement
Proposer: Councillor Bourne
G.... This Council notes, with concern and dismay, the content of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Budget Statement on 8 July.
This Council believes actions from the Summer Budget will impact negatively on many residents in Colchester: particularly those on low incomes; students; residents seeking to access affordable housing; and contains disproportionate cuts to the under 25s.
This Council resolves to mitigate the negative impacts of the Budget by taking local action to support residents of the Borough and continue to invest in schemes that promote economic growth whilst working in partnership with key organisations to care for the most vulnerable.
This Council calls upon the MPs for the Borough of Colchester to oppose those aspects of the Finance Bill which will harm Colchester's interests, even if this means voting with the Opposition in Parliament.
As the motion relates to a non-executive matter, it will be determined and debated at the meeting.
(v) Firstsite
Proposer: Councillor Laws
H... Noting the important role of art in contributing to the cultural experience of Colchester, and the widespread support Firstsite is now receiving under the leadership of Anthony Roberts, Council requests the Arts Council to use its influence as the main funder to request that the level of local representation on Firstsite’s Board of Trustees be increased , thus ensuring residents of Colchester have a direct say in the long term success of Firstsite.
As the motion relates to a non-executive matter, it will be determined and debated at the meeting.
Main Amendment
Proposer: Councillor Hayes
The motion on Firstsite be approved and adopted subject to the deletion of the words:-
“Council requests the Arts Council to use its influence as the main funder to request that the level of local representation on Firstsite’s Board of Trustees be increased”
and their replacement with the following words:
“this Council requests the Board of Directors/Trustees of Firstsite to invite this Council to nominate a councillor to sit on the Firstsite’s Board of Directors/Trustees under the same conditions as the Mercury Theatre”
If approved, the revised Motion would read as follows:-
“Noting the important role of art in contributing to the cultural experience of Colchester, and the widespread support Firstsite is now receiving under the leadership of Anthony Roberts, this Council requests the Board of Directors/Trustees of Firstsite to invite this Council to nominate a councillor to sit on Firstsite’s Board of Directors/Trustees under the same conditions as the Mercury Theatre, thus ensuring residents of Colchester have a direct say in the long term success of Firstsite. “
Councillor T. Young (in respect of his position as a non executive director of Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Councillor J. Young (in respect of her spouse's position as a non executive director of Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the following item pursuant to the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 9(5) and left the meeting during its consideration and determination.
(i) Urology Cancer Services
It was proposed by Councillor Harris that:-
“This Council fully supports the retention of Urology Cancer Services in Colchester.”
On being put to the vote the Motion was carried unanimously.
Councillor Quince in respect of his position as MP for Colchester left the meeting for the following item.
(ii) Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
It was proposed by Councillor Scott that:-
“This Council notes:
1. That the EU and USA launched negotiations in July 2013 on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
2. That negotiations are underway to determine which goods and services TTIP will apply to and if new rules can be agreed to protect investors, harmonise standards, reduce tariffs and open new markets throughout the EU and USA.
3. That there has been no impact assessment about the potential impact on local authorities.
4. That there has been no scrutiny of the negotiating texts by local government and no consultation with local government representatives
5. That MPs are also unable to scrutinise the negotiating documents.
This Council believes that:
1. TTIP could have a detrimental impact on local services, employment, suppliers and decision-making.
2. A thorough impact assessment of TTIP on local authorities must be undertaken before the negotiations can be concluded.
3. The proposed Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism has been used by corporations to overturn democratic decisions by all levels of governments at significant public cost. Local decision-making must be protected from ISDS.
4. The EU’s food, environmental and labour standards are better than those in the US and TTIP negotiations must raise and not lower these standards across the EU and USA.
5. Sourcing supplies and employment locally is important to strengthening local economies and meeting local needs. TTIP must not impact on local authorities’ ability to act in the best interests of its communities.
This Council resolves:
1. To write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, local MPs and all Eastern Region MEPs raising our serious concerns about the impact of TTIP on local authorities and the secrecy of the negotiating process.
2. To write to the Local Government Association to raise our serious concerns about the impact of TTIP on local authorities and ask them to raise these with government on our behalf.
3. To call for an impact assessment on the impact of TTIP on local authorities.
4. To publicise the Council’s concerns about TTIP; join with other local authorities which are opposed to TTIP across Europe and work with local campaigners to raise awareness about the problems of TTIP.
5. To contact the local authorities of municipalities twinned with Colchester asking them to consider passing a similar motion on TTIP.”
Councillor Willetts moved a secondary amendment as follow:-
“That the motion on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership be approved and amended subject to the addition of the following resolution:-
6. To inform the people of Colchester that, in regard to the way Local Government provides its services, Council opposes with all vigour any drift of legislative powers from the UK Parliament and Courts to any European or trans-national organisations”.
The secondary amendment was rejected by the Mayor on the grounds that it introduced a new proposal contrary to the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 14(9).
In the course of the debate Councillor Scott indicated that resolution 4 of the Motion was withdrawn.
On being put to the vote, the motion was lost (sixteen voted for, eighteen voted against and eight abstained from voting).
(iii) Park and Ride
It was proposed by Councillor Goss that:-
“The Park and Ride scheme run by Essex County Council is an important asset for Colchester and this Council without question wants the scheme to succeed. However, this Council believes that it should be modified to include the following:
1. Introduction of stops to serve Colchester Hospital;
2. Family friendly pricing - for example similar to Ipswich;
3. Potentially longer operating hours to maximise the scheme's usefulness to local people and commuters.
This Council therefore calls on Essex County Council Portfolio Holder Rodney Bass to implement these changes expeditiously to increase the success of the scheme.”
A secondary amendment was moved by Councillor Willetts as follows:-
“That the motion on Park and Ride be approved and adopted subject to the additional wording being added to the end of the Motion:-
Furthermore the Council requests the Colchester University Hospital Trust to publish its statutory Travel Plan as quickly as possible.
Finally Council requests the County Council to carry out a feasibility study of using a section of the Park and Ride car park for off-site hospital car-parking, with a jointly financed shuttle bus linking it the Hospital, as a short term expedient, with the prospect of additional permanent car parking of the scheme is successful.”
Councillor Goss indicated that he did not accept the secondary amendment. Council indicated tht it did not want to treat the secondary amendment as a main amendment. On being put to the vote the secondary amendment was lost (twenty one voted in favour, twenty six voted against).
In the course of the debate, Councillor Goss indicated that the word “Potentially” in sub paragraph 3 was withdrawn from the motion
The motion was then put to the vote and was carried (thirty two voted in favour, none voted against and fifteen abstained from voting).
A named vote having been requested pursuant to the provisions of Meetings General Procedure Rule 15(2) the voting was as follows:-
Those who voted for were:-
Councillors Barton, Bourne, Chapman, Chuah, Cook, Cope, Cory, Feltham, Frame, Gamble, Goss, Graham, Harrington, Harris, Havis, Hayes, P. Higgins, Hogg, Knight, Laws, Lilley, Locker, J. Maclean, P. Oxford, Pearson, Quince, Scott, Scott-Boutell, Smith, Sykes, T. Young and the Deputy Mayor (Councillor J. Young).
Those who abstained from voting were:-
Councillors Bentley, Blundell, Buston, Chillingworth, Davidson, Elliott, Hardy, Hazell, Jarvis, Jowers, F. Maclean, Martin, Sheane, Willetts and the Mayor (Councillor T. Higgins).
Councillor Quince in respect of his position as MP for Colchester left the meeting for the following item.
(iv) Budget Statement
It was proposed by Councillor Bourne that:-
“This Council notes, with concern and dismay, the content of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Budget Statement on 8 July.
This Council believes actions from the Summer Budget will impact negatively on many residents in Colchester: particularly those on low incomes; students; residents seeking to access affordable housing; and contains disproportionate cuts to the under 25s.
This Council resolves to mitigate the negative impacts of the Budget by taking local action to support residents of the Borough and continue to invest in schemes that promote economic growth whilst working in partnership with key organisations to care for the most vulnerable.
This Council calls upon the MPs for the Borough of Colchester to oppose those aspects of the Finance Bill which will harm Colchester's interests, even if this means voting with the Opposition in Parliament.”
On being put to the vote the motion was carried (twenty eight voted for, nineteen voted against).
(v) Firstsite
It was proposed by Councillor Laws that:-
“Noting the important role of art in contributing to the cultural experience of Colchester, and the widespread support Firstsite is now receiving under the leadership of Anthony Roberts, Council requests the Arts Council to use its influence as the main funder to request that the level of local representation on Firstsite’s Board of Trustees be increased , thus ensuring residents of Colchester have a direct say in the long term success of Firstsite.”
Councillor Hayes moved a main amendment as follows:-
“The motion on Firstsite be approved and adopted subject to the deletion of the words:-
“Council requests the Arts Council to use its influence as the main funder to request that the level of local representation on Firstsite’s Board of Trustees be increased”
and their replacement with the following words:
“this Council requests the Board of Directors/Trustees of Firstsite to invite this Council to nominate a councillor to sit on the Firstsite’s Board of Directors/Trustees under the same conditions as the Mercury Theatre”
Councillor Laws indicated that he accepted the main amendment and motion was deemed amended accordingly.
On being put to the vote, the motion was unanimously carried.