The Leader of the Council and the Cabinet

The Council is currently run by a Liberal Democrat administration and Councillor David King is the Leader of the Council. 

The Cabinet is made up of seven Portfolio Holders, each of whom is responsible for a specific range of services. 

Roles and Responsibilities of Portfolio Holders

The Scheme of Delegation to Cabinet sets out the responsilities of each of the Portfolios.  A link to the Scheme of Delegation is below:-

Scheme of Delegation to Cabinet

Councillor David King  (PenPic) Councillor Alison Jay (PenPic) Councillor Martin Goss (PenPic)
Councillor David King Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Strategy Councillor Alison Jay, Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth and, Transformation Councillor Martin Goss, Portfolio Holder for Waste, Neighbourhood Services and Leisure 
Councillor Natalie Sommers (PenPic) Councillor Mark Cory (PenPic) Councillor Andrea Luxford Vaughan (PenPic) Councillor Paul Smith (PenPic)
Councillor Natalie Sommers, Portfolio Holder for Communities, Heritage and Public Protection Councillor Mark Cory, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Resources Councillor Andrea Luxford Vaughan, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Envionment and Sustainability Councillor Paul Smith, Portfolio Holder for Housing