Cabinet members and Committee/Panel Chairs will receive and answer pre-notified questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10(1) followed by any oral questions (not submitted in advance) in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10(3).
(Note: a period of up to 60 minutes is available for pre-notified questions and oral questions by Members of the Council to Cabinet Members and Chairs (or in their absence Deputy Chairs)).
(i) Councillor Harris to Councillor Goss, Portfolio Holder for Waste, Neighbourhoods and Leisure
Can I bring to the attention of the Portfolio Holder for Waste, Neighbourhoods and Leisure that in my neighbourhood are a few residents who do not have gardens but whose homes border Council (Essex County Council and Colchester City Council) open space, which have trees on.
These residents do not wish to partake of the garden waste wheeled bin scheme.
But they band together and gather up fallen leaves that litter the footpath and roads .
What arrangements does City Council offer such community minded people in making their locality tidy looking and indeed safer with no wet slippery leaves on paths and kerbs?
(ii) Councillor Harris to Councillor Smith, Portfolio Holder for Housing
"I have had complaints from residents in bed and breakfast temporary accommodation who are reporting the mould and poor conditions in some temporary accommodation that City Council uses.
I have notified you of one particular premises in Clacton. Pictures sent to me by some residents placed there concerned me, as these pictures looked nothing like the web site.
Could I ask what checks on condition of properties are made and what survey of residents we locate there take place. Additionally crime was reported to me from two people. They reported drug dealing in the location and said they were scared about the situation they were put in."