Councillor Andrea Luxford Vaughan

  • General
  • Allowances & Expenses
  • Election History
  • Party History
  • Ward History
  • Members Interests
  • Committees
  • Outside Bodies
  • Training History
  • Hospitality & Gifts
  • Locality Budget
  • Attendance
Councillor Andrea Luxford Vaughan
08 May 2018
First Elected
08 May 2018
Liberal Democrats
c/o Town Hall
High Street
Telephone No:
01206 822097
Job Title:
Basic Allowance £7576.54, Cabinet member Special Responsibility Allowance £13,637.81

Election History

Tue 8 May 2018  

Party Representation History

Liberal DemocratsTue 8 May 2018

Ward Representation History

WivenhoeTue 8 May 2018 Sun 8 May 2022
WivenhoeMon 9 May 2022

Current Committee Memberships

Past Committee Memberships

Past Committee - Date JoinedPast RolePast Leaving Date
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 5 of 7.
Local Plan Committee - 26 May 2021 Group Spokesperson24 May 2022
Local Plan Committee - 01 January 2020 Substitute25 May 2021
Cabinet - 02 January 2020 Portfolio Holder for Customers16 July 2020
Planning Committee - 22 May 2019 Deputy Chair31 December 2019
Scrutiny Panel - 23 May 2018 Member21 May 2019

Current Outside Body Appointments

Past Outside Body Appointments

Past Outside BodyPast Joining DatePast Leaving Date
There are no past outside bodies for this member.

Personal Register of Interests

Date of NoticeReceipt by Monitoring OfficerView
04 June 202404 June 2024

Meeting Declarations

Committee NameMeeting DateNatureView
Local Plan Committee13 September 2018Non-Pecuniary
Local Plan Committee13 September 2018Non-Pecuniary
Local Plan Committee13 September 2018Non-Pecuniary
Wed, 21 Aug 2024Shared Services Briefing 
Wed, 14 Aug 2024Planning Enforcement Training 
Mon, 5 Aug 2024Local Plan and NPPF Briefing 
Tue, 23 Jul 2024Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Training 
Thu, 18 Jul 2024Planning Training  
Tue, 16 Jul 2024Councillor Induction: Section 106 Training Session 
Tue, 11 Jun 2024Neighbourhoods Training Session 
Tue, 28 May 2024Local Plan Review and Engagement Update 
Tue, 21 May 2024Planning Training  
Wed, 8 May 2024Senior Leadership Team Induction event 
Tue, 19 Mar 2024Eastlight Community Housing briefing 
Mon, 4 Mar 2024Changes to Postal Vote Arrangements 
Wed, 14 Feb 2024Budget briefing 
Tue, 6 Feb 2024Councillor IT and Cyber Security 
Mon, 5 Feb 2024Changes to National Planning Policy Framework and National Planning Policy 
Wed, 6 Dec 2023Councillor "Meet SLT" Event  
Thu, 30 Nov 2023LGA being an effective Cabinet Member  
Wed, 15 Nov 2023Designated Rural Areas and Parish Council Briefing 
Tue, 7 Nov 2023Housing Insight briefing 
Tue, 7 Nov 2023GDPR Online Training 
Tue, 17 Oct 2023LGA Communications and Political Leadership Masterclass 
Mon, 18 Sep 2023Chief Executive Briefing - Budget Update 
Tue, 22 Aug 2023Chairs Training with LGIU 
Thu, 3 Aug 2023Member Engagement with CIPFA 
Mon, 24 Jul 2023Chief Executive Briefing - Housing Pressures 
Wed, 5 Jul 2023Neighbourhoods Training Session 
Wed, 31 May 2023Local Government Boundary Commission Briefing 
Tue, 30 May 2023Chief Executive Briefing 
Tue, 9 May 2023Rural Prosperity Fund Briefing 
Tue, 11 Apr 2023Member Briefing on Biodiversity Net Gain 
Mon, 6 Mar 2023Member Briefing on Devolution 
Tue, 28 Feb 2023Member Briefing on new voter ID requirements 
Tue, 21 Feb 2023Section 106 Agreements Training Session 
Tue, 7 Feb 2023Planning Enforcement Training 
Mon, 30 Jan 2023Treasury Management Training 
Wed, 14 Dec 2022Budget Workshop 
Mon, 21 Nov 2022Chief Executive Briefing - Community Development 
Wed, 9 Nov 2022New Model Code of Conduct Training  
Tue, 1 Nov 2022Briefing on Sustainability and Climate Change 
Thu, 6 Oct 2022Budget Workshop 
Tue, 4 Oct 2022Town Centre Masterplan Briefing 
Mon, 26 Sep 2022Chief Executive Briefing - Levelling Up/ Shared Prosperity Fund 
Wed, 10 Aug 2022Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Briefing 
Tue, 2 Aug 2022Chief Executive Briefing - Electoral Reform 
Mon, 25 Jul 2022Colchester Borough Homes Briefing 
Thu, 14 Jul 2022CCHL and Subsidiary Companies briefing 
Wed, 18 May 2022Planning Training  
Mon, 28 Mar 2022Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking 
Wed, 16 Mar 2022Financial and Employment Support for Residents 
Thu, 10 Mar 2022Central Colchester Neighbourhood Pilot Update 
Mon, 17 Jan 2022Budget Workshop 
Wed, 5 Jan 2022Briefing on Permitted Development  
Wed, 15 Dec 2021Briefing on the Vaccine Booster Programme and Volunteering 
Mon, 22 Nov 2021Budget Workshop 
Mon, 8 Nov 2021Joint Committee for Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community 
Tue, 2 Nov 2021Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training 
Mon, 18 Oct 2021Councillor Safety Briefing 
Thu, 14 Oct 2021Cyber Security Briefing 
Tue, 5 Oct 2021Town Deal Briefing 
Mon, 20 Sep 2021Budget Workshop 
Mon, 19 Jul 2021Risk Management Briefing 
Tue, 6 Jul 2021Delays in Elective Surgery Briefing 
Tue, 15 Jun 2021Tackling the Climate Challenge 
Wed, 19 May 2021Planning Training 
Thu, 21 Jan 2021Vaccination Programme 
Mon, 7 Dec 2020Budget Workshop  
Mon, 16 Nov 2020Scooter Briefing Session 
Tue, 3 Nov 2020GDPR Training 
Thu, 3 Sep 2020Local List and Assets of Community Value 
Wed, 26 Aug 2020Budget Workshop 
Wed, 27 May 2020Cabinet Remote Meetings Training 
Tue, 11 Feb 2020Garden Communities Briefing 
Thu, 3 Oct 2019Garden Communities Briefing 
Thu, 7 Feb 2019Essex Highways Briefing 
Wed, 14 Nov 2018Local Plan Housing Numbers and Objectively Assessed Need  
Thu, 1 Nov 2018Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Training 
Mon, 11 Jun 2018Introduction to Local Government Finance 
Wed, 16 May 2018Social Media Training 
Tue, 15 May 2018Induction evening 
There are no hospitality and gift records for this member.

A sum of money is assigned each year to all Colchester City Councillors, to use on supporting community initiatives within their wards.

Please find below the 2023/24 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Luxford Vaughan:

Date  Total Contribution  Description 
31/12/2023 £1,800 New inclusive play equipment at the Mede Way play park. Wivenhoe Town Council 
31/01/2024  £200  Advertising Board/promotion board/public awareness of the ferry. Wivenhoe and Rowhedge Ferry   

Please find below the 2022/23 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Luxford Vaughan:

Date  Total Contribution  Description 
30/09/2022 £250 Annual Insurance. Wivenhoe Youth Choir
30/09/2022  £1,000  Upgrade Wi-Fi in Youth Hub. Wivenhoe Town Council   
31/12/2022   £750   Youth Hub covered outdoor space. Wivenhoe Town Council  


Please find below the 2021/22 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Luxford Vaughan:

Date  Total Contribution  Description 
31/01/2022  £2,000 Contribution to Wivenhoe Youth Hub Project. Wivenhoe Town Council


Please find below the 2020/21 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Luxford Vaughan:

Date  Total Contribution  Description 
30/06/2020  £100 Money to help supply the vital food some residents require. Colchester Foodbank 
 30/06/2020 £1,000  Fund to assist with locals shopping needs. Those without debit cards can cash cheques against fund account. Will be redirected when need changes. Wivenhoe Mutual Aid  
 31/10/2020 £900 Supporting running costs, due to impact of Covid-19. Wivenhoe Congregational Church



Please find below the 2019/20 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Luxford-Vaughan

Date  Total Contribution  Description   Category
£100  Supporting the 2020 local film festival event. Wivenhoe Film Theatre OPPORTUNITY
 31/01/2020 £100   Supporting rental costs for the workshop used by the scheme. Wivenhoe Bike Kitchen    WELLBEING GROWTH RESPONSIBILITY OPPORTUNITY 
 31/01/2020 £300   Contribution toward new heating system at the church. Wivenhoe Congregational Church  WELLBEING GROWTH RESPONSIBILITY OPPORTUNITY 
 31/01/2020 £100   Contribution toward Sensory Graden at the rear of the Scout Hall - voted preferred project by children at Millfields School. Wivenhoe Town Council   OPPORTUNITY
 31/01/2020 £100   Running Costs. Colne Radio CIC    WELLBEING
 31/01/2020 £100  Contribution toward the annual outing for the members of the group. Wivenhoe Community Tea Group  WELLBEING
 31/01/2020  £100  Contribution toward hawthorn whips to be planted to deter vandels accessing the allotments. Wivenhoe Allotment and Garden Association   WELLBEING GROWTH RESPONSIBILITY OPPORTUNITY
 31/01/2020  £100  Contribution toward events and and other expenses. Wivenhoe Monday Club   WELLBEING
 31/01/2020  £100  Contribution toward refurbishment project of the boats. WivGigs Rowing Club  OPPORTUNITY
 31/01/2020  £100 Supporting project showcasing history of 21 local public houses. Wivenhoe History Group  WELLBEING GROWTH RESPONSIBILITY OPPORTUNITY
 31/01/2020  £100  Replacing the guttering and the notice board at the church. Wivenhoe Methodist Church   RESPONSIBILITY 
 31/01/2020  £100  Supporting Wivenhoe Market Collective with running costs. Transition Wivenhoe   WELLBEING GROWTH RESPONSIBILITY OPPORTUNITY
 31/01/2020  £100  Supporting repair and maintenance costs for the courts. Wivenhoe Tennis Club RESPONSIBILITY 
 31/01/2020  £100  Supporting new Wivenhoe volunteer team to assist ambulance services. Community First Responders   GROWTH 
 31/01/2020  £100  Supporting various local initiatives led by the Town Council. Wivenhoe Town Council   WELLBEING
 31/01/2020  £300  Contribution toward recycling project in Wivenhoe focusing on plastics. Wivenhoe Town Council   GROWTH


Please find below the 2018/19 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Luxford-Vaughan

Date  Total Contribution  Description   Category
£375  Funding recruiting efforts to sustain club, providing social events and tackling isolation, Wivenhoe Monday Club     WELLBEING
  £375   Providing new and updated life jackets and safety maintenance, Wivenhoe WivGigs Rowing Club    WELLBEING 
  £375   Printing of flyers advertising market events and raising profile of brand, Wivenhoe Market Collective
  £375   Promoting the new history trail through self-led guides and website, Wivenhoe History Group    WELLBEING GROWTH RESPONSIBILITY OPPORTUNITY
  £375   Training a team of local residents to help to refurbish bikes for Colchester residents and tourists, Repair Reuse Recycle CIC    WELLBEING GROWTH RESPONSIBILITY OPPORTUNITY  
  £125  Providing educational material re germ cell cancer at Freshers Week 2019,  The Robin Cancer Trust   WELLBEING


Further information on Locality Budgets for Councillors

Member Attendance

Display attendance in date range

Attendance Summary

Expected attendances16 
Present as expected1488%
Apologies received2100% of absences
In attendance (as a visitor)1 

Attendance Details