Councillor Laws raised an item request which had been made by a number of members of the Panel, regarding the situation at Middle Mill, where part of the brickwork at the weir had recently collapsed, necessitating the closure of a major pedestrian/cycle thoroughfare. A request was made for an update from the Leader of the Council.
Councillor King, Leader of the Council, stated the Council’s pride in the iconic location. The brickwork had started to fail in the previous week, with water passing through the brickwork and bypassing the weir. A drop in the water levels then caused the brickwork to collapse. Engineers attended to assess the situation, and the Council was working with specialists, with another assessment due in the next day. A risk of collapse had been identified, and the remaining structures were also at risk. Talks were being held with Essex County Council [ECC] and contractors as to how to proceed. There had been little warning of the issue, which was being addressed swiftly. The next steps would be identified and addressed swiftly, as this was seen as a serious reputational issue.
The Leader outlined his talks with ECC’s Portfolio Holder for Highways, and Council officers work with ECC officers. Issues included fibreoptic cables and ducting going across the bridge.
The Panel asked about potential effects on wildlife. Richard Block, Chief Operating Officer, explained that the initial concern was for the health of local fish stock, and possible damage from changes in water level. The Environment Agency had explained that it was satisfied that there was no such danger, but it was important to consider the long-term effects on ecology.
The Leader was asked as to when the most recent checks and maintenance had been carried out, and confirmed that checks and repairs had been made regularly. The Chief Operating Officer explained that repairs had been made 12 months ago, but that deterioration had subsequently occurred. This site was included in the ‘Fit for the future’ programme for overseeing assets.
The Leader went on to raise the wider issue as to the maintenance of historic assets for which the Council had responsibility. Rigorous care was needed, and this had been a cross-party issue over recent years.
The Panel asked whether the site was insured. The Chief Operating Officer explained that the insurance information was being checked.
A Panel member argued that the site should be rebuilt so as to maintain the area’s look and feel. Other members argued that opportunities to improve the site when rebuilding should be explored, with the High Steward and Civic Society. Wider issues as to risk, ecology, human access, were noted, and the potential for underwater checks and maintenance improvement were discussed. The issue of potential flooding upriver, caused by the operation of a weir, was raised and the views of the Environment Agency and Essex Highways requested.
RESOLVED that an item be added to the Scrutiny Panel work programme to provide an update on the situation regarding the Middle Mill Weir, and to include information on the progress of repair works, opportunities to improve the site, ecological effects, potential flooding effects upriver, and future monitoring and maintenance of the fabric of the site.