Councillor Martyn Warnes addressed the Committee pursuant to provisions of Meeting Procedure Rules (5). The Committee heard that the current Local Plan and its evidence base were unsound and that if Middlewick was removed from the Draft Local Plan then the housing currently allocated would need to be distributed to other areas of the City. The Committee heard that the Stantec report had been widely discredited as well as the withholding of information from Councillors regarding the acid grassland had led the speaker to continue to say that Members should be minded to remove Middlewick from the Local Plan and should reconsider plans for a West Tey development.
Councillor Dave Harris addressed the Committee pursuant to provisions of Meeting Procedure Rules (5). The Committee heard that the sale of Middlewick Ranges was not desired by the Berechurch Councillors and it was acknowledged by them and Cllr Scordis that this was coming from all sides and that there was a significant environmental impact and that now was the times for action. The speaker asked that Middlewick exhibition be extended, that the site is brought forward for designated future use that is not housing, that alternative sites such as detailed by Cllr Warnes be designated in the Local Plan and that officers investigate this to avoid the destruction of Middlewick.
Dr Jeremy Dagley addressed the Committee pursuant to provisions of Meeting Procedure Rule (5). The Committee heard that the ecological evidence provided in 2017 identified 50 hectares of woodland and noted that there were crucial alterations to the site and acid grassland which misled and contradicted the local wildlife citation. It was detailed that the Biodiversity Net Gain Score would show a loss of nature and that the site is of a wider importance and should never be considered for development. The Committee heard that the loss of the Middlewick site would undermine the Essex Nature Strategy.
Glyn Evans addressed the Committee pursuant to provisions of Meeting Procedure Rule (5). The Committee heard that the Council had published a statement on the 16 October reaffirming its commitment to transparency and environmental protection and thoroughness which detailed that the PBA and Stantec reports were produced by the same Lead Ecologist building on the economic analysis of the site which was false. The Committee heard that the Council had submitted the plan to the Government in October 2017 before it had received the PBA report and quoted the Cabinet Member for Planning that the Council was committed to making planning decisions that protected the environment and supported sustainable development. The Committee heard that this was not the case and raised concern regarding the absence of Nightingales from the Ecology studies and previous Stantec report some of which would be harmed by the installation of a new fence from the MOD. The speaker concluded by detailing that the ecology study being conducted was not independent and asked that Dr Dagley and other experts in the field be brought in as the development on the site was a dead parrot.
Martin Pugh addressed the Committee pursuant to provisions of Meeting Procedure Rule (5). The Committee heard that they would like to acknowledge the people protesting and outside the building and detailed that Parrot Waxcap mushrooms had been found across the site in high densities and detailed that these were indicators of rich grasslands. The speaker detailed that the original Stantec report had downgraded the mentioning of waxcaps and biodiverse grassland whilst downplaying their significance. The speaker detailed that the that the Stantec report was still being supported by the Council and that the mitigation hierarchy needed to be maintained and needed to be started from the base.
Cllr Michael Lilley addressed the Committee pursuant to provisions of Meeting Procedure Rule (5). The Committee heard that the Committee needed to make a proper decision on whether to include Middlewick in the Local Plan or not and detailed that they believed that it should have been thrown out a long time ago. The speaker detailed that the there was concern over whether the MOD could be trusted and asked why a previous ecological report on the Middlewick site had not been submitted and queried why this had happened. It was detailed that the MOD had behaved badly and attacked someone over the Middlewick with the Police showing little interest. The speaker concluded by detailing that alternative options such as West Tey should be looked at and that the Middlewick site should be protected.
Cllr Lee Scordis addressed the Committee pursuant to provisions of Meeting Procedure Rule (5). The Committee heard that they shared similar thoughts to the previous speaker and detailed that the Committee needed to look at the removal of the Middlewick site. The speaker detailed that they had seen the evidence that had been put forward and outlined that the details from an FOI showed that no developer was interested in the site and could mean that the Council did not meet its housing target. The Committee heard that Middlewick was a very important space and detailed that the West Tey site needed to be looked at again and detailed that the white elephant of Middlewick was only going to get bigger and bigger.
At the request of the Chair, Karen Syrett, Joint Head of Planning, responded to the points made by the Have Your Say Speakers. The Committee heard that the Council was the decision-making authority but detailed that the authority was still in the early stages of the process. It was detailed that no site could be removed in isolation and that the Local plan Review was currently underway and that this revolved around the evidence gathered and the sooner officers were able to look at the evidence the sooner progress could be made. The Committee heard that the large amount of questions received on Middlewick and its past inclusion in the plan were time consuming for officers and that it was a tight timescale to be able to publish the draft local plan in January 2025. The Joint Head of Planning detailed that the Local Plan Committee would be asked to vote on the preferred options to be published for consultation and once the consultation had completed then the plan would be reviewed and then put forward to the Local Plan Committee to submit it to the Planning Inspectorate who would decide whether it is sound. It was confirmed that the final decision for adoption would be made by Full Council.
At the request of the Chair, Sandra Scott, Place Strategy Manager detailed that the concerns and criticisms of the evidence base were well documented and understood and that no good would come from revisiting these areas as all the information was considered by the Planning Inspectorate who found the plan to be sound and confirmed that new evidence would be required for the plan under construction. The Committee heard that going over previous evidence was not constructive and that the points regarding ecological value would be considered going forward. The Place Strategy Manager detailed that the Local Plan review was reconsidering the site of Middlewick with all the evidence as a whole and that this needed to be balanced against the constraints of any site as well as the housing requirement. The Committee heard that the current independent surveys taking place on Middlewick were looking at the botanical and invertebrate elements as recommended by Natural England which would inform the masterplanning of the site and noted that these would inform the evidence base and would be shared with the Council’s ecologists.
In response to a follow up question from Cllr Dave Harris the Place Strategy Manager confirmed that it was anticipated that the Plan would be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in the Autumn of 2025.
Dr Jeremy Dagley addressed the Committee in response to Comments from Officers. The Committee heard that evidence was not a distraction and detailed that they were not convinced that the evidence provided was being seen for what it really was. The Committee heard that there was no masterplan for housing on Middlewick and that this was based on a false premise of the Stantec report that was completely flawed.
Glyn Evans addressed the Committee in response to Comments from Officers. The Committee heard that the timescale for a decision was fixed and that the MOD were acting with impunity and questioned whether any evidence had been received from them to give an indication or to take some responsibility for the site.
Martin Pugh addressed the Committee in response to Comments from Officers. The Committee heard that members of the public had to ask a certain question to get a certain answer and detailed that the ecologist has gone out to look at a very specific brief and of plants and invertebrates and queried how they hadn’t seen the bats on the site. The speaker concluded that there was no independent brief being put forward to the ecologists.
Councillor Lee Scordis addressed the Committee in response to Comments from Officers. The Committee heard that they agreed with the comments made on the evidence from the other public speakers and detailed that the MOD put the Middlewick site forward too late in the process and asked when the Committee could take the site out again.
At the request of the Chair the Joint Head of Planning clarified that the review of the local plan had to be decided on the evidence base and that the Council needed evidence to support the plan which would be tested by the Planning Inspectorate and that the Local Plan Committee would be responsible for agreeing the content of the draft local plan, the preferred option and consultation plan that would be sent to the Planning Inspectorate with the adoption of the plan being agreed by Full Council. The Place Strategy Manager added that officers could not pre-empt the botanical and invertebrate survey but an interim report was expected by the end of 2024.