Sir Bob Russell attended and addressed Cabinet pursuant to the provisions of Meetings General Procedure Rule 5(1). It was noted that not all members of the Cabinet were in attendance and that only one Cabinet meeting in the municipal year had full attendance. In terms of the proposals for local government reorganisation, it was noted that there was a Council meeting scheduled for 17 March. However, clarification was sought as to what deliberations had taken place within the Council on the issue. He had experience of the last round of local government reorganisation in Essex and his offer to talk to the Council had not been taken up. The public had not been involved in decision making on the issue in any way. Should a North Essex unitary authority be created from Colchester, Braintree and Tendring this would not be local, with only 20 councillors representing Colchester. It would be the first time since 1189 that Colchester would not have had some form of self-governance. Devolution would only result in more powers being concentrated in a middle tier authority.
Councillor King, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, indicated that Cabinet members worked hard in non-public forums and their duties went far beyond attending Cabinet meetings. Councillor Jay was ill, and it was right that a member should not attend in those circumstances. The Council had not sought local government reorganisation. The broad view across Council seemed to be of reluctant realism and the need to make the most of the opportunity for Colchester, and to secure a sense of place and civic traditions. There were potential benefits to be gained from devolution.
Councillor Smith, Portfolio Holder for Housing, also responded to explain that he had missed the last Cabinet meeting due to his honeymoon. However, he had attended several remote meetings and taken decisions whilst he was away.
Jean Quinn attended and addressed Cabinet pursuant to the provisions of Meetings General Procedure Rule 5(1). She appreciated that Councillors worked hard and received a lot of criticism and it was not her intention to be critical. At its meeting on 5 December 2024 Council had approved a motion on 20mph speed limits and she had a number of questions arising from that, which had been circulated to Cabinet. In particular
• Had the Council approached Essex County Council with a view to implementing 20 mph;
• Did the Council have an understanding of the budget and timescale;
• What were the Council’s plans to find out what people wanted;
• How would the results be assessed i.e. would it be a straightforward majority;
• What would happen if neighbouring streets took different views.
• Could a guarantee be given that local government reorganisation would not derail this.
Councillor Luxford Vaughan, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Environment and Sustainability, responded and explained that the Council had written to Essex County Council. A written response to the detailed questions would be sent within two weeks.
Sarah Buszard attended and addressed Cabinet pursuant to the provisions of Meetings General Procedure Rule 5(1) to request that the Council ensured that no council managed funds, including in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), were used to procure or invest in fossil fuel, quarrying, nuclear energy or arms companies. Pension fund investments in fossil fuel assets were at risk and extreme weather events were also high risk. Businesses and investors were moving away from fossil fuels because they recognised the risks to their profits and investments and were also seeing the opportunities in decarbonising. The opportunities from decarbonising and net zero needed to be taken. This could only be done if the right policies were in place. The Council needed to take this into account when taking decisions.
Councillor King, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, responded and explained that he sat on the Essex Pension Fund. There was a general transition towards a more sustainable investment strategy. Attitudes had changed and the interchange with the professionals who provided advice and made investments on behalf of the Fund had also changed. There was a commitment to achieving net zero by 2050. However it needed to be borne in mind that the fund was administered on behalf of the members and there was a responsibility to ensure it generated sufficient returns to ensure pensions could be paid. The Fund was a signatory of the Financial Reporting Council UK Stewardship Code which included a focus on sustainable investment. It was moving its investments away from industries with high carbon output and towards low carbon, sustainable and environmentally responsible investments.
Roy Gilheaney attended and addressed Cabinet pursuant to the provisions of Meetings General Procedure Rule 5(1) about Refugee and Migrant Association (RAMA). RAMA was grateful for the support it received from the Council. RAMA had concerns about changes in entitlement to remain in the United Kingdom for Ukrainian refugees. RAMA was working with those Ukrainians who arrived three years ago on applications for further extensions of leave to remain in the UK. The extension would provide a further 18 months leave to remain. However, the time spent on the Ukraine scheme did not count towards the five year residency period. For some people there was still time to find alternative routes to leave to remain through sponsored work. For others, there was a real prospect of being sent back. For those with children with illness or mental health difficulties that might not be met on their return, or at a critical point in their education, this was a great concern. The Council should pay attention to the changes in entitlement to remain and recognise the impact on this group, who had made a substantial contribution to the local community.
Councillor Sommers, Portfolio Holder for Communities, Heritage and Public Protection, responded and explained that she understood the issue. The Government’s position was that the Ukraine scheme only provided temporary right to remain and this was supported by the Ukrainian government, who wished their citizens to return in the long run. Colchester was a City of Sanctuary and had always welcomed refugees. The Council remained committed to supporting RAMA and Ukrainian refugees and had a dedicated team to help and support them. These issues would be raised with the local MP to see if a more flexible approach could be adopted.
Lisa Cross attended and addressed Cabinet pursuant to the provisions of Meetings General Procedure Rule 5(1) to request that the ban on glyphosates not be revoked and work undertaken towards a sustainable alternative. The previous decision to move away from their use recognised the harmful impacts they had on all living things. There were biodiversity benefits of allowing wild plants to grow, as was shown by the impact of no spray zones by residents. This led to an increase in pollinators. A study by Professor Benton, a renowned local naturalist, had also shown the benefits in Priory Street, with increases in flowering and rare plants.
Councillor Luxford Vaughan, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Environment and Sustainability, thanked the speaker for her comments and explained that this issue would be dealt with in detail later in the agenda.
Martin Pugh attended remotely and addressed Cabinet pursuant to the provisions of Meetings General Procedure Rule 5(1). Friends of Middlewick supported the campaign to keep glyphosates out of Colchester streets, parks and playgrounds. The Council report ignored evidence in favour of short-term convenience. Concern was expressed about the Ministry of Defence’s proposals for the management of Middlewick, including the creation of a 20 metre wide fire break. This would have a significant impact on biodiversity and was ecological vandalism. The Ministry of Defence had ignored considerable evidence when drawing up its plans. Despite Middlewick meeting multiple Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) thresholds, Natural England had still not designated it as an SSSI. If it had, the MOD would be legally obliged to consult it on any management changes. The Council should work with Natural England to help secure the SSSI designation and use its influence with the Ministry of Defence to help protect the site.
Councillor Luxford Vaughan, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Environment and Sustainability, responded and explained that the Council had no control over how private landlords managed their land. The designation of the SSSI was a matter for Natural England. She would talk to officers to see what pressure or influence the Council could bring to bear to encourage this designation.
Ismail Çufoglu attended and addressed Cabinet pursuant to the provisions of Meetings General Procedure Rule 5(1) to ask that in accordance with the findings or rulings of a number of international human rights organisations, no council managed funds, including LGPS funds, were used to invest in companies that facilitated or enabled Israel’s breaches of international law. Several other Council’s had already taken similar steps and passed motions to comply with the United Kingdom’s obligations and had committed to cut their financial ties with companies involved in Israel’s breaches of international law. Colchester should join them.
Councillor King, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, explained that he would not comment on the issues raised about international events or international law. In accordance with the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy, it did not invest in any companies in a direct way in any other than those it owned. Employee pension funds were not invested by the Council but by the Essex Pension Fund. Given the complexity and breadth of their investments it was possible that there were investments in companies with links to Israel. Their decisions were independently made, within an ethical framework that encouraged responsible investments. If further concerns remained these should be taken up with the Essex Pension Fund directly.
Councillor Julie Young attended and addressed Cabinet pursuant to the provisions of Meetings General Procedure Rule 5(1) to stress the need to seek clarification on what concrete actions would arise from the decision making on the Place Partnership Approach and the creation of the Health and Wellbeing Board. In terms of housing, concern was expressed about issues of damp and mould in housing and the need to find a solution, given the impact this had on residents. The proposals on the Greening and Street Care service needed to align with neighbouring authorities, given the direction of travel on local government reorganisation. Concern was expressed about the possible use of glyphosates, given that it was a known carcinogen.
Councillor King, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, thanked Councillor Young for her comments, which would be taken into account as the items they related to were considered.