Cabinet considered the recommendation made by the Environment and Sustainability Panel at its meeting of 21 September 2023 a copy of which had been circulated to each Member together with the report considered by the Environment and Sustainability Panel on 21 September 2023.
Councillor Cory, Portfolio for Resources, explained that Ferry Marsh was part of the Wivenhoe Nature Reserve. It was a valuable site at which biodiversity was increasing. However, a nearby estate drained into the Marsh. Whilst there was a sluice to allow this water to drain into the river, this often silted up leading to flooding. A report had been submitted to the Environment and Sustainability Panel on methods of dealing with this issue. The Panel had asked for further information on several issues, but had recommended that capital funding be made available now to extend the outfall pipe to prevent further flooding. Thanks were given to Essex Wildlife Trust, Natural England, the Environment Agency, Council officers and residents for their work on this project.
Councillor Burrows, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Heritage, explained that as Ferry Marsh linked to the Wivenhoe Trail, this was a sustainable Active Travel opportunity with physical and mental health benefits for residents.
RESOLVED that Work to extend the outfall pipe leading from the sluice at Ferry Marsh Nature Reserve be included within Colchester City Council’s Capital Programme.
The work to extend the outfall pipe would bring improvements to the Ferry Marsh site by reducing flooding. This would also lead to physical and mental health benefits for residents.
It was open to the Cabinet not to agree the recommendation from the Environment and Sustainability Panel.