
This is where you can find the reports for decisions made by the Council. To view the minutes of meetings please go to the relevant meeting page by navigating from the Meeting Calendar tab or the Committees tab.

This includes decisions taken at Committee meetings as well as decisions taken by individual Portfolio Holders from May 2014 onwards.

For individual Portfolio Holder decisions before 2014, please use the connected sub tab labelled Portfolio Holder Decisions before 2014

Structure of the Council


Following the introduction of the Local Government Act 2000 a new political structure was adopted in Colchester. The old Committee system was replaced by a new system . Under this system, a Council leader is appointed who is responsible for forming a Cabinet. The Cabinet is responsible for most decision making on day to day matters, although it must operate within the policy framework set by the full Council.


A number of Panels are in place to scrutinise decisions and review and develop policy. The Planning and Licensing Committees and the Governance and Audit Committee are responsible for the regulatory functions of the Council.


The Leader of the Council and the Cabinet


The Leader of the Council is elected at the Council’s Annual meeting. The Council is currently run by a Liberal Democrat administration. The Council Leader is Councillor David King.

The Cabinet is made up of eight Councillors, each of whom is responsible for a specific area, known as a Portfolio. Further information about the membership of the Cabinet is available from the Committees tab in the list on the right of the screen.



TitleDetailsDecision TypeDecision MakerImplementation DateStatus
 Page 1 of 15, items 1 to 10 of 147.
240068 Portal Precinct, Sir Isaacs Walk, Colchester, Essex, CO1 1JJApplication to affix a 700mm x 600mm aluminium composite panel with a painted (black finish) wooden frame complete with digitally printed graphics directing users to secure bike park in portal precinct. To be affixed to the East-facing wall of "fast stitch".CommitteePlanning Committee28 Mar 2024Implemented
240183 278 Mersea Road, Colchester CO2 8QYApplication for part two storey , part single storey rear extension. Two Storey side extension (resubmission of 230041).CommitteePlanning Committee28 Mar 2024Implemented
Draft Statement of Accounts 2022/23The Committee will consider a report asking that it note the Council's uncertified draft statement of accounts 2022/2023 which has now been published. CommitteeGovernance and Audit Committee9 Apr 2024Decision Proposed
Work Programme 2023-2024The Committee will consider a report setting out its work programme for the current municipal year. CommitteeGovernance and Audit Committee9 Apr 2024Decision Proposed
240206 Bus Depot, Queen Street, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2PQApplication for hoarding at the front of building site boundary. Already installed with a illustrative graphic which we wish to update to promote the Levelling Up project which is being built.CommitteePlanning Committee18 Apr 2024Implemented
240563 Hythe House, Flat 1, 142 Hythe Hill, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2NFThe application before the Committee is a proposed building which is intended to replace the existing container and is considered to be more appropriate within the Conservation Area. It will utilise traditional materials - black weatherboarding and pantiles. The proposed development is located to the rear of Hythe House and has minimal view from Hythe Hill. There is currently a 1.42m high brick wall to the boundary with Connaught Close. To the rear of the site is a wall with fencing and trellis above measuring 2.4m in height in total. The property adjacent to the rear boundary does not have any windows in the side elevation.CommitteePlanning Committee18 Apr 2024Implemented
240528 Land adj 32 and, 33-34 High Street, Colchester, CO1 1DHApplication for the relocation of the approved granite plinth to describe the Twinkle Star statue.CommitteePlanning Committee18 Apr 2024Implemented
Disposal of 71 & 72 Maidenburgh Street PortfolioCouncillor Paul Smith22 Apr 2024Decision Proposed
Award of Contract for 5G Enabled Tourism - infrastructure build PortfolioCouncillor David King29 Apr 2024Decision Proposed
Update for Viability Assumptions used for HRA affordable housing delivery - April 24

The report accompanying this decision is not for publication as it contains exempt information.  Members can access the report by logging into CMIS.

PortfolioCouncillor Paul Smith1 May 2024Decision Proposed