
This is where you can find the reports for decisions made by the Council. To view the minutes of meetings please go to the relevant meeting page by navigating from the Meeting Calendar tab or the Committees tab.

This includes decisions taken at Committee meetings as well as decisions taken by individual Portfolio Holders from May 2014 onwards.

For individual Portfolio Holder decisions before 2014, please use the connected sub tab labelled Portfolio Holder Decisions before 2014

Structure of the Council


Following the introduction of the Local Government Act 2000 a new political structure was adopted in Colchester. The old Committee system was replaced by a new system . Under this system, a Council leader is appointed who is responsible for forming a Cabinet. The Cabinet is responsible for most decision making on day to day matters, although it must operate within the policy framework set by the full Council.


A number of Panels are in place to scrutinise decisions and review and develop policy. The Planning and Licensing Committees and the Governance and Audit Committee are responsible for the regulatory functions of the Council.


The Leader of the Council and the Cabinet


The Leader of the Council is elected at the Council’s Annual meeting. The Council is currently run by a Liberal Democrat administration. The Council Leader is Councillor David King.

The Cabinet is made up of eight Councillors, each of whom is responsible for a specific area, known as a Portfolio. Further information about the membership of the Cabinet is available from the Committees tab in the list on the right of the screen.



TitleDetailsDecision TypeDecision MakerImplementation DateStatus
 Page 1 of 20, items 1 to 10 of 195.
0358 - Internal scaffold birdcage to Moot Hall at Colchester Town Hall PortfolioCouncillor David King30 Jan 2024Decision Proposed
Built Environment and Regulatory System Award of Contract PortfolioCouncillor Alison Jay30 Jan 2024Decision Proposed
Half Year April - September 2023 Performance Report: Key Performance Indicators, Other Performance News and Strategic Plan Action Plan Monitoring Report

Cabinet will consider a report inviting it to review performance against Key Performance Indicators and, where Key Performance Indicators have not been met, ensure that appropriate corrective action has been taken.


CommitteeCabinet1 Feb 2024Implemented
Managed Service Solution for Temporary Workers

Cabinet will consider a report setting out a proposal to sign up to the Essex County Council managed service solution for temporary worker services.


CommitteeCabinet1 Feb 2024Implemented
Delivery of Colchester Northern Gateway (South) Development

Cabinet will be invited to consider a report setting out the latest position on the delivery of the Colchester Northern Gateway (South) Development.

CommitteeCabinet1 Feb 2024Implemented
Draft Budget Proposals 2024/25 (Including General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Revenue and Capital and Updated Medium Term Financial Forecast

Cabinet will consider a report which contains the final budget proposals for 2024/25 for consideration by Cabinet.


CommitteeCabinet1 Feb 2024Implemented
Delivery of Colchester Northern Gateway (South) Development - Part B

Cabinet is invited to note a not for publication appendix is support of the report in Part A of the agenda.


CommitteeCabinet1 Feb 2024Implemented
Asset Based Community Development and Asset Mapping Update

Cabinet will consider a recommendation from the Policy Panel meeting of 10 January 2024.


CommitteeCabinet1 Feb 2024Implemented
Draft Budget Proposals 2024/25 (Including General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Revenue and Capital and Updated Medium Term Financial Forecast - Part B

Cabinet will consider the not for publication appendix D which supports the report at item 7(i) of the agenda.


CommitteeCabinet1 Feb 2024Implemented
Award of Design and Build construction contract for “Phase 3 Garage Site” of the “New Council Housing Programme” at Wheeler Close

The report accompanying this decision is not for publication as it contains exempt information.  Members can access the report by logging into CMIS.

PortfolioCouncillor Paul Smith1 Feb 2024Decision Proposed