Town and Parish Councillors - Register of Interests

Parish and Town Councillors are required by the Localism Act 2011 to register their pecuniary and other interests within 28 days of their election or appointment to office.

They are also required to register pecuniary interests, of which they are aware, of their spouse or partner living with them, if applicable. These details are held in a Register of Members' Interests maintained by Colchester City Council's Monitoring Officer. The Register contains those interests listed in paragraphs 6,7 and 8 of Colchester City Council's Code of Conduct ( which has been adopted by all Parish and Town Council's in the Borough) , namely:

Disclosable Pecuniary interests

  • Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried out for profit or gain.
  • Sponsorship for or payment of expenses incurred by the member, including election expenses, in the last 12 months.
  • Contracts (for goods, services or works) with the Parish or Town Council.
  • Land in the Parish or Town Council's area in which a beneficial interest is held.
  • Licences over land owned by the Parish or Town Council.
  • Tenancies between the Parish or Town Council and an organisation in which a beneficial interest is held.
  • Securities or shares with a value of at least £25,000 or 1/100th of the total issued share capital of a body with a place of business in the Parish or Town Council's area

Other Pecuniary interests

  • Employment, firm (where a partner) or company (where a remunerated director).
  • Contract (for goods, services or works) with the Parish or Town Council which has been discharged in the last 6 months.

Non-Pecuniary interests

Membership of, or position of general control or management in:

  • Organisations where the member represents the Parish or Town Council.
  • Other public authorities or organisations delivering public functions.
  • Charities or charitable organisations.
  • Organisations whose main purpose includes influencing public opinion or policy, including political parties and trade unions. 
  • The name of any person from whom the member has received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of a least £50.

The Register of Town and Parish Councillors' Interests is shown below, by individual parish or town council. If you need any further information please contact the relevant parish or town clerk.


Parish Council Documents

Tiptree Parish Council