Debbie Hanson, Ernst and Young, introduced the Annual Audit Letter to the Governance Committee. The report requests that the Committee consider and note the contents of the 2014/15 Annual Audit Letter, and the notification of a variation to the final fee.
Debbie Hanson stated that this would be the last occasion that she would be representing Ernst and Young for Colchester Borough Council, as due to independence rules there has to be rotation of Audit Directors. In future this function will be completed by Kevin Suter, with Francesca Palmer remaining as the Audit Manager for Colchester Borough Council.
The Annual Audit letter is a requirement under the Code of Audit Practice, and contains similar information as provided in the Audit Results Report but tailored for members of the public rather than a technical report.
Debbie Hanson stated that Ernst and Young had given Colchester Borough Council an unqualified audit opinion and an unqualified value for money conclusion on the 17th of September in advance of the statutory deadline. The key findings in the report as previously reported to the Governance Committee highlight the risks associated around external funding and the use of the New Homes Bonus.
Debbie Hanson highlighted that the Audit Letter reports future accounting changes that have not been reported before and will impact Colchester Borough Council. This includes a new requirement to account for Highways Network Assets in 2016/17. Whilst this will mainly impact on the County Council’s there may be a requirement on District Councils where certain assets are categorised as part of the Highways Network, which will may require a significant amount of data collection. Debbie Hanson stated that whilst the guidance from the Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accountancy has yet to be issued, it has been flagged to all Council clients and a number of workshops have already taken place. In addition to this change there will also be the requirement to close the accounts by the end of May and for the audit process to have completed by the end of July. Debbie Hanson stated that the Council are aware and are prepared.
In response to questions of the audit procedures and the risks that have been identified, Debbie Hanson stated that the audit focus is on those areas of the organisation where the accounts have more manual intervention or are based on significant estimates. An example of this is the estimation of business rates provision, and the work on financial journals. In addition the audit will look at ensuring that Capital spending is funded by the capital budget and not from the general balance sheet.
In response to a question on the impact from the change from Depreciated Historic Cost to Depreciated Replacement Cost for the Highways Network Assets, Debbie Hanson stated that the answer is not yet known. There may be an issue with the unadopted roads and street lights and whether deemed to be part of the highways network. Ernst and Young are still waiting for guidance from the CIPFA to determine the extent of the work required; there has been confirmation that this will only apply going forward from 2016/17.
RESOLVED that the Annual Audit Letter be noted.