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Great Jobs

Proposer: Cllr T. Young

J... This Council believes that:

Every job should be a great job. For us that means workers in our Borough should be paid fairly; work in a safe and healthy workplace; be treated decently and with respect; have regular hours; have the chance to be represented by trade unions and be consulted on what matters at work; and get the chance to learn and progress at work and get on in life.

This Council resolves to:

1. Support the TUC’s Great Jobs Agenda which sets out the actions employers and the government must take for every job to be a great job;

2. Ensure, as an employer, we continue providing great jobs for our own employees as well as support and opportunities for personal development;

3. Continue to value meaningful workforce engagement and representation through our recognised trade unions;

4. Continue our work with employers in the Borough to influence their employment practices and to ensure that business growth is sustainable and ethical. This includes our proactive work with the digital and creative industries in Colchester as a good example;

5. Make increasing job quality a key part of the conversation when pursuing local economic development opportunities in the Borough;

6. Use our commissioning and procurement processes, where possible, to raise employment standards amongst those suppliers and providers we work with;

7. Where appropriate engage with government and other bodies who hold regulatory powers to tackle issues which local authorities do not have statutory powers to address directly;

8. Write to our Borough’s MPs informing them of our position and encouraging them to support the Great Jobs Agenda too.

As the motion relates to an executive function, it stands referred direct to Cabinet, unless the suspension of Council Procedure Rule 11(2) is approved.

Implementation Date (not before):
Thu 6 Dec 2018
Implementation Date Notes:
Include Item on Forward Plan:
Estimated Cost:
Background Papers:
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is a Key Decision:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Proposed:

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


This Decision does not contain any Ward records.


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

This section allows you to view the reports for the Decision.


The Decision does not contain any reports.

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 1, items 1 to 7 of 7.
23/11/2018 12:15:35Richard CliffordBusiness Item Created 
23/11/2018 12:15:35Richard CliffordCommittee AddedCouncil
23/11/2018 12:15:35Richard CliffordMeeting Added06/12/2018 6:00PM
23/11/2018 12:15:41Richard CliffordStatus ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
28/11/2018 13:16:52Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
03/01/2019 14:08:01Richard CliffordStatus ChangedImplemented [7]
04/03/2019 15:16:28Richard CliffordStatus ChangedImplemented [7]


No history found.