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Local Electricity Bill

Proposer: Councillor Liddy

i... Motion that:

Colchester Borough Council

(i) acknowledges the efforts that it staff have made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote renewable energy;

(ii) recognises that councils can play a central role in creating sustainable communities, particularly through the provision of locally generated renewable electricity;

(iii) further recognises

  • that very large financial setup and running costs involved in selling locally generated renewable electricity to local customers result in it being impossible for local renewable electricity generators to do so,

  • that making these financial costs proportionate to the scale of a renewable electricity supplier’s operation would create significant opportunities for councils to be providers of locally generated renewable electricity directly to local people, businesses and organisations, and

  • that revenues received by councils that became local renewable electricity providers could be used to help fund local greenhouse gas emissions reduction measures and to help improve local services and facilities;

    (iv) accordingly resolves to support the Local Electricity Bill, currently supported by a cross-party group of 115 MPs, and which, if made law, would make the setup and running costs of selling renewable electricity to local customers proportionate by establishing a Right to Local Supply; and

    (v) further resolves to inform the

  • local media of this decision,

  • local MPs after the General Election, asking them to support the Bill in the new Parliament, and

  • organisers of the campaign for the Bill, Power for People, (at 8 Delancey Passage, Camden, London NW1 7NN or expressing support.



Implementation Date (not before):
Thu 5 Dec 2019
Implementation Date Notes:
Include Item on Forward Plan:
Estimated Cost:
Background Papers:
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Full Council
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is a Key Decision:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Proposed:

Decision Criteria

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Overview and Scrutiny

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 1, items 1 to 10 of 10.
25/11/2019 17:01:28Richard CliffordBusiness Item Created 
25/11/2019 17:01:28Richard CliffordCommittee AddedCouncil
25/11/2019 17:01:28Richard CliffordMeeting Added05/12/2019 6:00PM
25/11/2019 17:01:36Richard CliffordStatus ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
26/11/2019 10:05:30Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
26/11/2019 10:43:17Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
27/11/2019 08:37:36Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
04/12/2019 11:07:29Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
07/01/2020 17:07:11Richard CliffordStatus ChangedImplemented [7]
23/04/2020 16:50:42Richard CliffordStatus ChangedImplemented [7]


No history found.