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School Funding Cuts

Proposer: Councillor Bourne and Councillor Goss 

C... Motion that:-
This Council notes as a result of ongoing Government cuts to education, 71 schools across the Colchester Borough: 
(i) Will have lost £17.7 million in overall funding between 2015-2020;
(ii) Will have lost an average of £271 per pupil;

(iii) Have seen 25 of 71 schools have classroom sizes increase;

(iv) Are having to bear the full costs of the unfunded National Insurance increases; 

(v) Are receiving inadequate High Needs Block Funding, leaving our most vulnerable pupils without the support they need. 
Colchester Borough Council resolves to: 

(i) Lobby against the Government’s ongoing cuts to school budgets and call for more funding to be invested in education, while making our communities aware of local impacts 

(ii) Support the coalition of trade unions campaigning against school cuts;

(iii) Call on the Government to fully fund and fully implement the recommendations of the School Teachers’ Review Body on teachers’ pay;

(iv) Present the dire facts listed above to the Department for Education and our three MPs representing our 62 schools across the Borough of Colchester. 

As the motion relates to a non-executive function, it will be debated and determined at the meeting. 

Implementation Date (not before):
Wed 17 Jul 2019
Implementation Date Notes:
Include Item on Forward Plan:
Estimated Cost:
Background Papers:
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is a Key Decision:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Proposed:

Decision Criteria

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Overview and Scrutiny

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 16.
03/07/2019 14:23:05Richard CliffordBusiness Item Created 
03/07/2019 14:23:05Richard CliffordCommittee AddedCouncil
03/07/2019 14:23:05Richard CliffordMeeting Added17/07/2019 6:00PM
03/07/2019 14:27:54Richard CliffordStatus ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
03/07/2019 14:37:45Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
03/07/2019 14:41:17Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
03/07/2019 16:52:42Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
08/07/2019 08:52:30Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
08/07/2019 09:16:21Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
08/07/2019 09:19:22Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 


No history found.