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North Essex Garden Communities Ltd
Cabinet will consider a report on the options for the future of the North Essex Garden Communities Ltd and the three Local Delivery Vehicles (LDVs) following receipt of the Local Plan Inspector’s letter.
The Chairman has agreed that the report should be considered as an urgent item as the Council as shareholder needs to confirm along with Essex County Council, Braintrree District Council and Tendring District Council its agreement to the recommendation of the NEGC Ltd Board to commence the winding up of the Company. Any delay to this decision would mean that the Council would incur further additional costs if this item were to wait until the next scheduled meeting of Cabinet.
Implementation Date (not before):
Thu 16 Jul 2020
Implementation Date Notes:
Include Item on Forward Plan:
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Criteria
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Overview and Scrutiny
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Decision History
07/07/2020 15:22:16 | Richard Clifford | Business Item Created | |
07/07/2020 15:22:16 | Richard Clifford | Committee Added | Cabinet |
07/07/2020 15:22:16 | Richard Clifford | Meeting Added | 08/07/2020 6:00PM |
07/07/2020 15:22:25 | Richard Clifford | Status Changed | Decision Proposed [2] |
07/07/2020 15:24:06 | Richard Clifford | Report Added | Document ID 18339: Item 2 NEGC Ltd - urgent report |
09/07/2020 16:20:49 | Richard Clifford | Status Changed | Implemented [7] |
No history found.