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Budget 2021-22 and Medium Term Financial Forecast

B... Motion that the recommendations contained in draft minute 536 of the Cabinet meeting of 27 January 2021 and the recommendations contained in the reports entitled Supplementary Budget report and Precept and Council Tax Levels 2021/22 be approved and adopted.


The following main amendments have been submitted:-


(i) Proposer: Councillor Buston
That the recommendations contained in draft minute 536 of the Cabinet meeting of 27 January 2021 and the recommendations contained in the reports entitled Supplementary Budget report and Precept and Council Tax Levels 2021/22 be approved and adopted by Council, subject to the following supplementary note applied to Appendix G, Community, Bereavement Services:
That this Council recognises increasing Bereavement Services costs by 3x the current rate of inflation during a pandemic is unreasonable and does not reflect well on the Council or its Members. Therefore the 2.7% across the board increase in Cemetery and Crematorium is abandoned for the financial year (21/22). That the anticipated £39,000 revenue loss from Appendix G – General Fund Budgets, Bereavement Services is balanced by Use of Reserves for FY 21/22.
(ii) Proposer: Councillor Barber
That the recommendations contained in draft minute 536 of the Cabinet meeting of 27 January 2021 and the recommendations contained in the reports entitled Supplementary Budget report and Precept and Council Tax Levels 2021/22 be approved and adopted by Council, subject to the following change to Appendix I:
That Item 7 of Appendix I – Allocation of New Homes Bonus; Support to Tendring Colchester Borders and Local Plan is reduced from £500,000 to a total of £450,000. A new Item 7A is added as follows:
7A Support for full Feasibility Study to construct a workable proposal for a revised allocation at Middlewick enabling the creation of a Country Park between Abbot’s Road and Birch Brook Cost: £50,000
(iii) Proposer: Councillor Willetts
That the recommendations contained in draft minute 536 of the Cabinet meeting of 27 January 2021 and the recommendations contained in the reports entitled Supplementary Budget report and Precept and Council Tax Levels 2021/22 be approved and adopted by Council, subject to the following amendment by appending of words:
“and Council, noting that during the summer of 2020 the fish in Lexden Lake died, it was enveloped by invasive weed and it emitted a foul odour which constituted a public nuisance to surrounding dwellings, allocates in this budget £97,000 to facilitate proper remedial work to the lake. Furthermore that corresponding adjustments are made to reserves to ensure a balanced budget, or by such other virements that Cabinet shall take to balance the budget.”

Implementation Date (not before):
Wed 24 Feb 2021
Implementation Date Notes:
Include Item on Forward Plan:
Estimated Cost:
Background Papers:
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is a Key Decision:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Proposed:

Decision Criteria

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 11.
11/02/2021 09:02:11Richard CliffordBusiness Item Created 
11/02/2021 09:02:11Richard CliffordCommittee AddedCouncil
11/02/2021 09:02:11Richard CliffordMeeting Added24/02/2021 6:00PM
11/02/2021 09:02:25Richard CliffordStatus ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
11/02/2021 15:58:50Richard CliffordReport AddedDocument ID 19783: Item 7(i) Budget 2021-22 and MTFF - Cabinet minute extract
15/02/2021 08:48:03Richard CliffordReport AddedDocument ID 19788: Item 7(i) Precept and Council Tax Levels 2021-22
15/02/2021 14:18:44Richard CliffordReport AddedDocument ID 19789: Item 7(i) Supplementry Budget report
15/02/2021 14:22:02Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
23/02/2021 10:46:46Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 
23/02/2021 10:55:40Richard CliffordGeneral Details Edited 


No history found.