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Summary of previous Scrutiny Panel reviews into bus service provision
This report presents an overview of the work done to date by the Scrutiny Panel in its two reviews of bus service provision conducted in recent years.
Implementation Date (not before):
Tue 5 Jul 2022
Implementation Date Notes:
Include Item on Forward Plan:
Estimated Cost:
Background Papers:
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Scrutiny Panel
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is a Key Decision:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Proposed:
2.1 It is recommended that the appendices to this report be considered and that the Scrutiny Panel look to identify what tangible value a further review might be able to add, and therefore whether to scrutinise bus service provision further.

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


This Decision does not contain any Ward records.


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 10 of 14.
27/06/2022 14:49:36Owen HowellBusiness Item Created 
27/06/2022 14:49:36Owen HowellCommittee AddedScrutiny Panel
27/06/2022 14:49:36Owen HowellMeeting Added05/07/2022 6:00PM
27/06/2022 14:49:41Owen HowellStatus ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
27/06/2022 14:50:33Owen HowellReport AddedDocument ID 23116: Item 16. Scrutiny Panel report on past bus service reviews
27/06/2022 14:50:36Owen HowellReport AddedDocument ID 23117: Item 16 Appendix A. Review of Bus Service Provision during Covid-19 and beyond
27/06/2022 14:50:38Owen HowellReport AddedDocument ID 23118: Item 16 Appendix A1. Bus Services review - summary of evidence and consultation
27/06/2022 14:50:41Owen HowellReport AddedDocument ID 23119: Item 16 Appendix B. Minute from Scrutiny Panel on 16 March 2021
27/06/2022 14:50:43Owen HowellReport AddedDocument ID 23120: Item 16 Appendix C. Minute from Cabinet meeting on 9 June 2021
27/06/2022 15:21:36Owen HowellReport AddedDocument ID 23134: Item 16 Appendix A. Review of Bus Service Provision during Covid-19 and beyond


No history found.