Decision Details

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Decision Proposed
Call in: Update for Viability Assumptions used for HRA affordable housing delivery - April [20]24
This report sets out the background for the review of a decision taken by the Portfolio Holder for Housing on 24 April 2024, to accept updated Viability Assumptions, used for HRA affordable housing delivery.
Implementation Date (not before):
Thu 16 May 2024
Implementation Date Notes:
Include Item on Forward Plan:
Estimated Cost:
Background Papers:
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Scrutiny Panel
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is a Key Decision:
Would the recommended decision be contrary to the budget and policy framework:
Decision Proposed:
2.1 The Panel is asked to review the decision set out in Appendices A and B, in light of the reasons given for the call-in, as laid out in paragraph 4.2 and Appendix C, and to consider the options set out in paragraph 4.6 of this report.

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


This Decision does not contain any Ward records.


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

This section allows you to view the reports for the Decision.


  1. pdf Item 8. Call in of Portfolio Holder decision on Update for Viability Assumptions used for HRA affordable housing delivery (88Kb)
    1. pdf Item 8 Appendix A. Record of decision taken - Update for Viability Assumptions used for HRA affordable housing (44Kb)
    2. pdf Item 8 Confidential Appendix B. Decision Report - Update for Viability Assumptions used for HRA affordable housing - Exempt Report
    3. pdf Item 8 Confidential Appendix C. Outline of reasons for the call-in, provided by Councillor William Sunnucks - Exempt Report

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 1, items 1 to 6 of 6.
08/05/2024 11:20:23Owen HowellBusiness Item Created 
08/05/2024 11:20:23Owen HowellCommittee AddedScrutiny Panel
08/05/2024 11:20:23Owen HowellMeeting Added16/05/2024 6:00PM
08/05/2024 11:20:45Owen HowellStatus ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
08/05/2024 11:23:10Owen HowellReport AddedDocument ID 27942: Item 8. Call in of Portfolio Holder decision on Update for Viability Assumptions used for HRA affordable housing delivery
08/05/2024 15:59:44Owen HowellReport AddedDocument ID 27954: Item 8. Call in of Portfolio Holder decision on Update for Viability Assumptions used for HRA affordable housing delivery


No history found.