Councillor Nigel Chapman

  • General
  • Allowances & Expenses
  • Election History
  • Party History
  • Ward History
  • Members Interests
  • Committees
  • Outside Bodies
  • Training History
  • Hospitality & Gifts
  • Locality Budget
  • Attendance
07 May 1998
First Elected
06 May 1982
Job Title:
Basic Allowance £7293.55, Planning Committee member Special Responsibility Allowance £1148,75

Election History

Thu 6 May 1982 Thu 7 May 1992  
Thu 7 May 1998 Mon 8 May 2023 Did not stand for re-election

Party Representation History

ConservativeThu 6 May 1982 Thu 7 May 1992
ConservativeThu 7 May 1998 Mon 8 May 2023

Ward Representation History

Fordham and StourThu 6 May 1982 Thu 7 May 1992
Fordham and StourThu 7 May 1998 Sun 8 May 2016
Rural NorthMon 9 May 2016 Sun 5 May 2019
Rural NorthMon 6 May 2019 Mon 8 May 2023

Current Committee Memberships

Committee - Date JoinedRole
There are no current committees for this member.

Past Committee Memberships

Current Outside Body Appointments

Outside BodyJoining Date
There are no current outside bodies for this member.

Past Outside Body Appointments

Personal Register of Interests

Date of NoticeReceipt by Monitoring OfficerView
20 December 202120 December 2021

Meeting Declarations

Committee NameMeeting DateNatureView
Planning Committee17 March 2016Non-Pecuniary
Local Plan Committee04 April 2016Non-Pecuniary
Local Plan Committee04 April 2016Non-Pecuniary
Planning Committee25 April 2019Non-Pecuniary
Tue, 18 Apr 2023Chief Executive Briefing 
Mon, 6 Mar 2023Member Briefing on Devolution 
Tue, 28 Feb 2023Member Briefing on new voter ID requirements 
Mon, 30 Jan 2023Treasury Management Training 
Wed, 14 Dec 2022Budget Workshop 
Mon, 5 Dec 2022Rapid Transit System Briefing 
Mon, 21 Nov 2022New Model Code of Conduct Training  
Mon, 21 Nov 2022Chief Executive Briefing - Community Development 
Tue, 1 Nov 2022Briefing on Sustainability and Climate Change 
Wed, 26 Oct 2022Chief Executive Briefing - The story so far 
Tue, 25 Oct 2022Cost of Living Crisis Support for residents briefing 
Mon, 24 Oct 2022New Rural England Shared Prosperity Fund Briefing 
Thu, 6 Oct 2022Budget Workshop 
Tue, 4 Oct 2022Town Centre Masterplan Briefing 
Mon, 26 Sep 2022Chief Executive Briefing - Levelling Up/ Shared Prosperity Fund 
Wed, 10 Aug 2022Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Briefing 
Mon, 25 Jul 2022Colchester Borough Homes Briefing 
Thu, 14 Jul 2022CCHL and Subsidiary Companies briefing 
Mon, 28 Mar 2022Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking 
Wed, 16 Mar 2022Financial and Employment Support for Residents 
Thu, 10 Mar 2022Central Colchester Neighbourhood Pilot Update 
Thu, 27 Jan 2022Planning Training  
Mon, 17 Jan 2022Budget Workshop 
Wed, 5 Jan 2022Briefing on Permitted Development  
Mon, 22 Nov 2021Budget Workshop 
Mon, 8 Nov 2021Joint Committee for Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community 
Tue, 2 Nov 2021Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training 
Tue, 26 Oct 2021Future of the Alliance and Integrated Healthcare System: Neighbourhood Pilot for Colchester Briefing 
Mon, 18 Oct 2021Councillor Safety Briefing 
Tue, 5 Oct 2021Town Deal Briefing 
Tue, 13 Jul 2021Planning in the AONB 
Thu, 21 Jan 2021Vaccination Programme 
Tue, 6 Oct 2020GDPR Training 
Mon, 5 Oct 2020Budget Workshop 
Thu, 3 Sep 2020Local List and Assets of Community Value 
Wed, 26 Aug 2020Budget Workshop 
Fri, 5 Jun 2020Licensing Training - Sexual Entertainment Venues and Safeguarding 
Tue, 11 Feb 2020Garden Communities Briefing 
Mon, 13 Jan 2020Neighbourhood Teams Briefing 
Tue, 12 Mar 2019Digital Access Training 
Thu, 29 Nov 2018Local Plan Viability 
Mon, 26 Nov 2018Colchester Borough Homes Briefing 
Wed, 14 Nov 2018Local Plan Housing Numbers and Objectively Assessed Need  
Tue, 28 Aug 2018East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust Briefing 
Mon, 14 May 2018Planning Training 
Tue, 8 May 2018Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity and GDPR 
Tue, 20 Mar 2018General Data Protection Regulations Training 
Tue, 20 Feb 2018NEE CCG Care Hub 
Tue, 23 Jan 2018Our Colchester BID 
Thu, 16 Nov 2017New Waste Technology 
Tue, 10 Oct 2017Garden Communities Briefing 
Thu, 20 Apr 2017Sustainable Development Training 
Tue, 24 Jan 2017Planning Training 
Mon, 9 Jan 2017Welfare Reform, Benefits and Colchester 
Wed, 1 Jun 2016Local Plan Briefing 
Thu, 12 May 2016New Council Conference 
Tue, 9 Feb 2016Safeguarding 
Tue, 26 Jan 2016Jumbo - Issues and Options Briefing 
Mon, 11 Jan 2016Planning Training 
Thu, 12 Nov 2015Devolution 
Thu, 29 Oct 2015Section 106, Community Infrastructure Levy, Affordable Housing and Viability 
Mon, 1 Dec 2014Colchester Housing Strategy 2015 briefing 
Tue, 18 Nov 2014Briefing on CBC Website and Committee Management Information System 
Mon, 20 Oct 2014Local Government Boundary Commission: Warding Proposals briefing 
Tue, 7 Oct 2014Welfare Reform Update 
Mon, 15 Sep 2014Plan Making and the Duty to Co-operate 
Thu, 4 Sep 2014Strategic Housing Market Assessment briefing 
Tue, 2 Sep 2014Introduction to Local Government Finance 
Tue, 1 Jul 2014Changes to the Council's Website 
Mon, 27 Jan 2014Castle Reopening Communications Strategy 
Wed, 24 Jul 2013Local Government Finance Made Easy 
Mon, 8 Jul 2013Planning Training 
Tue, 18 Jun 2013Welfare Reform Briefing 
Wed, 8 May 2013Surface Water Management Plan Briefing 
There are no hospitality and gift records for this member.

Please find below the 2022/23 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Chapman:

Date  Total Contribution  Description   
31/07/2022 £1,500 Contribution for Rangers to attend Dedham AONB [Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty]. Suffolk County Council

30/11/2022 £400 North Colchester Men in Sheds. PAT Tester   
31/01/2023  £100  Notice Board for village. Great Horkesley Parish Council  

Please find below the 2021/22 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Chapman:

Date  Total Contribution  Description   
 30/06/2021 £206 The Men's Shed, part of the national organisation, is based in Rural North ward with a membership of 38. Obviously there is a need for a full range of PPE (goggles, face masks, dust masks, ear defenders, gloves etc) some of which has been donated by a manufacturer. I have agreed to fund the balance. North Colchester Men's Shed

 31/12/2021 £300  The Band was, as its name suggests, part of the Methodist Church, founded over 180 years ago. However, during the past 2 years the church has closed and the buildings sold leaving the Band 'homeless'. They determined to continue with the same name but without any affiliation. This coupled with the pandemic proved a very difficult time for them. They have now relocated to Filpots Garden Centre in Boxted and are looking forward to a very busy Christmas period, with over 30 events in the village and wider communities. They are looking to provide new uniforms for the 36 strong Group, including an ever increasing number of youngsters, which will smarten them up for the next stage in their illustrious history. The total amount they are seeking to raise is £4,500. Boxted Methodist Brass Band  
 31/01/2022 £500  To purchase 2 replacement Coleman tents. Dedham does not have a Scout Group of its own, so the nearest is Ardleigh and attracts scouts from both wards. 1st Ardleigh Scouts  
 31/01/2022 £494  For Boxted Parish Council 'towards lighting for the Community Hub, Cage Lane, Boxted to enhance access and also for security purposes; the installation will be environmentally friendly eg LED and movement sensor. Boxted Parish Council   
 28/02/2022  £500 To purchase 2 replacement Coleman tents. Dedham does not have a Scout Group of its own, so the nearest is Ardleigh and attracts scouts from both wards. 1st Ardleigh Scouts  

Please find below the 2020/21 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Chapman:

Date  Total Contribution  Description   
 30/06/20 £100 Money to help supply the vital food some residents require. Colchester Foodbank  

 31/10/20  £1,900 Delivering greater benefits for soil, water and wildlife. Specifically they have recently obtained a grant from National Grid's Landscape Enhancement Initiative to fund their Facilitator/Environmental Advisor to undertake a survey on individual farms, aiming to produce a 'Farm Plan' with targets to support species and habitats, which follows from the 'Nature Recovery' work that the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Project Team is doing. Stour Valley Farmer Cluster   

Please find below the 2019/20 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Chapman

Date  Total Contribution  Description   Category
01/10/2019 £170 Towards IT equipment, in particular a laptop to support school hall projector. Fordham All Saints Primary School  GROWTH OPPORTUNITY
01/11/2019  £252 Re-painting bus shelter and two phone booths owned by the Parish Council - used as community book exchange hubs. Wakes Colne Parish Council  RESPONSIBILITY OPPORTUNITY WELLBEING
01/11/2019  £170 Contribution to install a defibrilator near the village hall Wormingford Parish Council
 01/12/2019 £170 Publicity for River Stour promotion video / event to increase tourism. Suffolk County Council  RESPONSIBILITY OPPORTUNITY WELLBEING
 01/01/2020  £250  Contribution toward purchase of iPads for children's learning. Dedham CofE Primary School  GROWTH OPPORTUNITY WELLBEING
 01/01/2020  £166  To provide a second bench on the recreation ground. Great Tey Parish Council  RESPONSIBILITY WELLBEING
 01/01/2020  £166  To provide safety and cleaning equipment for new village warden. Great Horkesley Parish Council  RESPONSIBILITY WELLBEING
 01/01/2020  £100  To install hand rail by access ramp to village playing field. Boxted Parish Council  WELLBEING
 01/01/2020  £100  To install hand rail by access ramp to village hubBoxted Parish Council  WELLBEING
 01/01/2020  £200  Supporting a Community Apple Day event held in Wormingford - details on the Fesitival website. River Stour Festival  RESPONSIBILITY OPPORTUNITY WELLBEING
 31/01/2020 £125  New laptop for school use. Chappel Primary School   RESPONSIBILITY 
 31/01/2020 £131  New fencing for village hall. Chappel & Wakes Colne Village Hall    RESPONSIBILITY WELLBEING


Please find below the 2018/19 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Chapman

Date  Total Contribution  Description   Category
31/09/2018 £500 Contribution for lawn mower for recreation ground, Wormingford Recreational Trust 
31/01/2019  £500  Providing publicity for the annual festival, River Stour Festival   GROWTH OPPORTUNITY WELLBEING
  £1000  Replacement lighting for the village hall, Boxted Parish Council   RESPONSIBILITY WELLBEING 


Please find below the 2017/18 Locality Budget spends for Councillor Chapman

Date  Total Contribution  Description   Category
15/12/2017 £490 Tables and Chairs for Dedham Parish Office - Dedham Parish Council Thriving, Welcoming, Prosperous, Vibrant 
05/01/18  £165  Contribution to telephone kisok project - Mount Bures Parish Council  Thriving, Welcoming, Prosperous, Vibrant  
  £168  Contribution towards River Stour festival - River Stour Festival  Thriving, Welcoming, Prosperous, Vibrant  
  £176  Height Restrictor for Car Park - Great Tey Parish Council  Thriving, Welcoming, Prosperous, Vibrant  
  £181  Gt. Tey Village Hall Car Park Bollards - Greta Tey Parish Council  Thriving, Welcoming, Prosperous, Vibrant  
05/02/2018  £272 Replacement Door @ Boxted Community Hub - Boxted Parish Council  Welcoming, Vibrant 
08/02/2018  £135  Litter bin - Dedham Mill  Welcoming, Vibrant 
09/02/2018  £80  Contribution towards Finger Sign Restoration - Lucinda De Jasay  Thriving, Welcoming, Prosperous, Vibrant
27/02/2018  £633  Installation of drain to prevent flooding  Welcoming 


Further information on Locality Budgets for Councillors

Member Attendance

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Expected attendances0 
Present as expected00%
Apologies received00% of absences
In attendance (as a visitor)0 

Attendance Details

Meeting DateCommitteeAttendance
There are no attendance records for this member in the selected date range.